IPAF Training Courses Now Available

At Premier Platforms we offer safety at height courses tailored for all your needs through the recognised training bodies. Our experienced instructors will help you understand your obligations and allow you to undertake your tasks and projects with the very latest health and safety practice in Scissor and Boom Training.

Work at height regulations require you as an employer to assume full responsibility for your employee’s health and safety. Therefore you need to provide adequate training to ensure you are not potentially liable for prosecution.

The IPAF training programme for platform operators was developed by leading industry professionals. More than 150,000 operators are trained each year through a worldwide network of training centres. Successful trainees receive a PAL Card (Powered Access Licence), a safety guide, a logbook and a certificate.

Book a training course now (E-Learning or Classroom based):


IPAF Operator Training

IPAF operator training is ideal for anyone needing to operate 1b, 3a or 3b machines. which includes Static Boom, Mobile Boom and Scissor Lifts. This course is offered as a 1-day classroom course or E-Learning


IPAF Harness Training

This half day course is to instruct the users of harnesses within MEWP’s including inspection, correct selection and fitting.


IPAF MEWP’s for Managers

This course is designed for Managers and Supervisors who are involved in the planning and supervision of work involving MEWP’s. The course covers risk assessment and method statement writing, rescue plans, hazards and responsibilities

Or enquire about one of our other courses:


IPAF Demonstrator Training

This course is designed for people who need to demonstrate the control functions and safety features of a MEWP to a trained operator. This training programme has the same machine categories as the operator programme.


IPAF Loading/Unloading

This is for delivery drivers who are loading and unloading access machinery


IPAF 1a Operator Training

This IPAF Operator course is for users of ‘Static Vertical’ machines. These machines are driven to the place of work and then elevated vertically once the legs have been deployed.


Working at Height Training eLearning

This Working at Height online training is RoSPA and CPD approved. The course uses interactions to help employees understand the hazards of working at height. It has a section on ladder safety, looks at the risks of working at height and examines how to minimise those risks when working at height.


Manual Handling Course eLearning

This RoSPA and CPD approved online training is for employees who may lift heavy items at work. Manual handling training is to minimise risk of injury by teaching how to move heavy items safely.


PPE Training eLearning

This RoSPA and CPD approved online course identifies the right personal protective equipment to use to ensure that staff are protected and kept safe from hazards in high risk environments. It is for employees and employers and will help with health and safety compliance


Asbestos Awareness eLearning

Accredited by CPD, IATP and RoSPA this Asbestos Awareness online course raises awareness of the dangers of unkowingly coming into contact with asbestos and helps candidates understand the importance of following best practice.


Contractors Safety Procedures eLearning

Accredited by RoSPA this Contractors Safety Procedures online course will help candidates understand the Health & Safety responsibilities of the employer and their contractors, covering site procedures, safety requirments and emergency procedures.


Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) eLearning

Accredited by RoSPA and CPD this COSHH online course covers regulations and how they protect people at work. It looks at what you need to do to comply with COSHH regulations, the different categories and impact of hazardous substances, warning symbols and control measures.


Fire Safety Training eLearning

This CPD and RoSPA approved online course aims to highlight what to do in the event of a fire. The course is highly interactive with a free fire risk assessment template. It covers the fire triangle, fire hazards, how to prevent a fire and how to respond if you discover a fire.


Environment Awareness Training eLearning

This CPD approved Environmental Awareness online training looks at environmental management and UK and EU legislation. The course contains animation which is used to highlight practical advice and examines ways an environmental management system can be used well.


Slips, Trips and Falls Course eLearning

This RoSPA and CPD approved online course looks at slips, trips and falls and the impact it has on people. The course contains scenario based examples which highlight best practice to make sure health and safety practices are understood. The course also looks at law and what an employees role is in making sure the correct health and safety practices are used.


Workplace Health and Safety Training eLearning

This Health and Safety online course consists of 7 individual modules which cover health and safety law, risk assessments, manual handling, fire safety, COSHH and accidents at work. Great for use as an induction or refresher training.


First Aid Training eLearning

This RoSPA and CPD approved online course encourages employees to become safety aware and will help you to become compliant with your companies health and safety obligations. It covers what to do in the event of an accident, how to report incidents and also covers the RIDDOR reporting and recording responsibilities.


Essential Health and Safety Training eLearning

This RoSPA approved health and safety online training demonstrates how employees can look after their health whilst at work. It highlights the risks and hazards at work and how these can be dealt with. It also looks at display screen equipment (DSE) and stress as hazards to health at work


Lone Working for Managers eLearning

This CPD approved online course is for those who manage lone workers. It looks at the responsibilities of managers, different types of lone worker, risks to lone workers and how to assess them and reviews the legislation around lone working.


Noise Awareness Training eLearning

This RoSPA and CPD approved online course offers advice on how to reduce noise. It looks at the legal responsibilities of employers, describes what noise pollution is , how to reduce noise exposure and is suitable for individuals who carry out noise assessments.


Risk Management eLearning

This RoSPA and CPD approved online training will help you control risks for a safer workplace. The course looks at common hazards and refers to the Health and Safety Executive to highlight the need for managing risk. The course will encourage the learner to understand what reasonable steps can be taken at work to prevent harm.


COVID-19: Office Safety eLearning

This online course looks at how to keep office work environments safe from COVID-19. It shows how employees can protect themselves and their colleagues, how to move around safely at work, and understand how to control COVID-19 from spreading


COVID- 19: Manufacturing Safety eLearning

This online course looks at how to keep manufacturing work environments safe from COVID-19. It shows how employees can protect themselves and their colleagues, how to move around safely at work, and understand how to control COVID-19 from spreading


Home Working eLearning

This RoSPA Home Working online course looks into the categories of home working, home working arrangements and tips on adherring to health and safety requirements. Home working arrangements need to be clear and consistent. This course will outline home working arrangements for employees who work from home.


IPAF PAV Training

This half day course is for the users of machines which are pushed into position and only travel in the vertical plane

IPAF Training Courses Now Available

At Premier Platforms we offer safety at height courses tailored for all your needs through the recognised training bodies. Our experienced instructors will help you understand your obligations and allow you to undertake your tasks and projects with the very latest health and safety practice in Scissor and Boom Training.

Work at height regulations require you as an employer to assume full responsibility for your employee’s health and safety. Therefore you need to provide adequate training to ensure you are not potentially liable for prosecution.

The IPAF training programme for platform operators was developed by leading industry professionals. More than 150,000 operators are trained each year through a worldwide network of training centres. Successful trainees receive a PAL Card (Powered Access Licence), a safety guide, a logbook and a certificate.

Our Accreditations

IPAF Approved Training Centre

What Our Customers Say

"One of the best companies we deal with, from the office to the workshop, we feel very well looked after"

"Machine delivered on time as requested, great service, thanks Premier"

"If you need IPAF training, this is the company to do it with, excellent instructors"

"Needed a machine very quickly, Premier Platforms pulled out all the stops and had a machine to us within 2 hours, top company"

“Very easy company to deal with, from order to delivery to collection of machines, keep doing what you’re doing guys, it works!!!”

“Servicing and maintaining our own machine used to be hard work, Premier Platforms took the headache away from us, now they inform us when it needs to be inspected and serviced”

Our Manufacturers
